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We’re taking a little summer break and playing an encore of one of our most popular episodes. It’s about the crash of the online dating industry and what it means for your love life.

Even though users are fleeing dating apps – they’re costly, they’re creepy and they’re exhausting – our tech-reliant mating rituals have forever changed us. And if you haven’t given up on connecting online, what comes next?

Our guest is Marina Adshade, an economist who looks at how the market affects our love lives. She’s the author of Dollars and Sex: How Economics Influences Sex and Love and teaches at the University of British Columbia’s Vancouver School of Economics.

Also, Vass and Katrina talk about the war-room tactics Vass used to find her (now) husband.

This is Lately. Every week, we take a deep dive into the big, defining trends in business and tech that are reshaping our every day.

Lately is a Globe and Mail podcast.

Our executive producer is Katrina Onstad. The show is hosted by Vass Bednar and produced by Andrea Varsany. Our sound designer is Cameron McIver.

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Find a transcript of this episode here.

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