For a machine that we stare at for hours on end most days, we tend to give nary a second thought to the aesthetic life of our laptops. We can't be held responsible for what happens if, at Starbucks, we see another MacBook drowning in an uninspired sea of skateboarding stickers (don't even get us started on Hello Kitty). We'd rather you just left the poor thing alone.
If you must show your laptop in public, take a cue from one of the cooler computer decals out there. Snow's Revenge from Milwaukee-based Vinylville does many things right. It presents a striking image, unlike the ubiquitous tribal designs that look ripped off of someone's forearm. More importantly, we love its sly interpretation of the glowing icon on the back of your MacBook - who knew Snow White would use Apple in the pursuit of evil?
Snow's Revenge fits any 13-inch, 15-inch or 17-inch laptop. Though if you could find another strategically placed apple, this stylish decal would look just as striking on your wall.
$14 (U.S.), available at