Person Karen Elson
Karen Elson used to be known as the skinny model with pale skin and bright-red hair. Then she was known as the model who married White Stripes singer Jack White in a canoe on the Amazon River. Alas, she will now be known as the model who fell during the latest Zac Posen New York show and was rescued by Diddy - or Puff Daddy or Sean Combs or whatever else he is known as these days.
Place New York
New York revealed its latest official city condom this week, just in time for Valentine's Day. Yes, New York has an official city condom. The new design, which features a colourful font and "an elegant new dispenser," according to city health officials, replaces the first model, which came out last year and sported a subway theme. The city gave out 36 million condoms last year - the equivalent of more than four for every man, woman and child. And they say Rudy Giuliani got rid of all the sex.
Thing Time-share dogs
Too busy to care for an animal full-time? Want the fun of a pet without having to pay outrageous boarding fees every time you travel for work? Get a time-share dog. For $50 a month, plus a "Daily Doggy Time" charge and an annual fee, you can rent a dog for just when you want it most through FlexPetz (only in certain U.S. cities). Take him for a walk, play fetch and then send him back. Or you can do what most busy people do and buy a cat.