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Nervgen Pharma Corp(NGEN-X)
TSX Venture

Today's Change
Delayed Last Update

Price Performance

PeriodPeriod LowPeriod HighPerformance
1-Month 1.770 +84.18% increase
on 06/06/24
Period Open:1.790
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
3.300 -1.21% decrease
on 07/05/24
+1.470 (+82.12%) increase
since 06/05/24
3-Month 1.650 +97.58% increase
on 06/05/24
Period Open:2.220
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
3.300 -1.21% decrease
on 07/05/24
+1.040 (+46.85%) increase
since 04/05/24
52-Week 1.580 +106.33% increase
on 12/14/23
Period Open:1.630
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
3.980 -18.09% decrease
on 02/05/24
+1.630 (+100.00%) increase
since 07/05/23