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Metalla Royalty: Stocks Undervalued by Analyst Consensus on TSX-V (MTA)

AI-generated - The Globe and Mail - Fri Mar 15, 7:06AM CDT

Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd is among the group of undervalued stocks on the TSX Venture Exchange. This means the consensus value for each stock on this list is above its current price.

This report is generated monthly. It provides the close price and target price for these companies along with the number of analysts covering the stock. Also included is the fiscal year for the target price as sometimes these analyst targets are not for the current or even the next fiscal year. Stocks in this category are held primarily for capital appreciation.

There may be a number of reasons why a company would be on this list. Companies with a large analyst following with a difference in price versus target are worth exploring in more detail.

SymbolNameTarget YearClose PriceTarget Price MeanCurrencyTarget Price # Estimates
SGMLSigma Lithium Corp202419.2436.5CAD2
ARTGArtemis Gold Inc20247.8311.875CAD10
NFGNew Found Gold Corp20245.039.7CAD4
SGDSnowline Gold Corp20245.559.9CAD5
ISOIsoEnergy Ltd20243.736.9167CAD3
MTAMetalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd20244.149CAD2
HIVEHIVE Digital Technologies Ltd20253.9910.1373CAD2
NOUNouveau Monde Graphite Inc20243.127.5CAD1
ODVOsisko Development Corp20243.387.22CAD5
SLIStandard Lithium Corp20251.555.5833CAD3
EMXEMX Royalty Corp20242.236.5USD1
LIAmerican Lithium Corp202514.25CAD1
HITIHigh Tide Inc20242.256.1875CAD4
LIFTLi-FT Power Ltd20243.8711.75CAD2
PNRLPremium Nickel Resources Ltd202414CAD1
LTHLithium Ionic Corp20240.914.65CAD5
ETLE3 Lithium Ltd20241.597.25CAD1
GPVGreenPower Motor Company Inc20252.789.4616CAD1
GAMEGameSquare Holdings Inc20241.827USD1
GIPGreen Impact Partners Inc20242.612.4CAD5
KUTRedishred Capital Corp20242.856.3333CAD3
WAMWestern Alaska Minerals Corp20240.714CAD1
CNXCallinex Mines Inc20241.287CAD1
XRTXXORTX Therapeutics Inc20247.4418.9231CAD1
TRBETribe Property Technologies Inc20240.53.25CAD1

All data provided as of March 14, 2024.

More about Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd

Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd is a precious metals royalty and streaming company, which engages in the acquisition and management of precious metal royalties, streams, and similar production-based interests. It's a pure-play gold and silver streaming and royalty company. It generates revenue from royalties, streams, and other interests.

Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd is listed under MTA on the TSX Venture Exchange.

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