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Stocks in play: Arizona Metals Corp.

Baystreet - Thu Jan 4, 8:38AM CST

Announced the outcome of its comprehensive property-wide rock grid sampling program as another step towards unlocking the full potential of the Kay Project in Arizona. A number of advanced processing techniques were applied to the new data in order to identify at least 4 new high-priority drill targets, all in areas previously untested by drilling. Planning of these drill holes is now underway and will use a combination of the 11 drill pads permitted under the current Notice of Intent starting early in 2024 and also with new pads, once permitted, using the upcoming Exploration Plan of Operations. Arizona Metals Corp. shares T.AMC are trading unchanged at $2.29.

Provided Content: Content provided by Baystreet. The Globe and Mail was not involved, and material was not reviewed prior to publication.