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On Sept. 16, we published our monthly INK Edge Top 40 Report. The title Betting the Fed takes a chainsaw to interest rates reflected the dominance of precious metals and interest-rate sensitive stocks in the list. The highest-ranked REIT in the report was Northview Residential REIT (NRR.UN-T) at No. 7. The REIT received a boost in our rankings thanks to purchases by chairman Daniel Drimmer. Over the past 90 days, he has bought 45,000 units at an average price of $17.33.

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Ted Dixon is CEO of INK Research which provides insider news and knowledge to investors. For more background on insider reporting in Canada, visit the FAQ section at Securities referenced in this profile may have already appeared in recent reports distributed to INK subscribers. INK staff may also hold a position in profiled securities.

Chart reflects public-market transactions of common shares or unit trusts by company officers and directors.

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