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What are we looking for?

Top-performing ETFs that tilt clearly toward growth or value.

The screen

As central banks continue to signal the gradual reduction of interest rates, equity investors are likely pleased, given that borrowing costs for the companies they invest in also begin to fall. This generally means companies will have access to (slightly) cheaper capital through issuing debt. For companies in growth mode, this allows for greater flexibility in terms of capital expenditures and funding R&D. Lower interest rates also mean value investors might use a smaller discount rate when valuing stocks, which increases their fair-value estimates. To help investors on both ends of the spectrum, today I use Morningstar Direct to help find clear-cut ETF plays in both areas. To find these investments, I screened the universe of 1,500-plus Canadian-listed ETFs for those that:

  • are classified via the Morningstar Style Box as decidedly Value or Growth. The classic Morningstar Style Box (which was first introduced in 1992) classifies funds as large-cap, mid-cap or small-cap, based on the market capitalization of the fund’s stock holdings. Morningstar also classifies funds as value, blend or growth, based on the value or growth orientation of the fund’s stock holdings. The nine possible combinations of these characteristics correspond to the nine squares of the style box: Size is displayed along the vertical axis, and style is displayed along the horizontal axis. Today’s screen essentially excludes “blend” funds and looks for those that are clearly in the value or growth boxes;
  • have received a Morningstar Rating for Funds (informally known as the “star rating”) which depicts after-fee, historical risk-adjusted returns against peers. The rating uses 10 years’ worth of performance history when possible, putting the greatest emphasis on the past three years. Though the rating is backward-looking, Morningstar’s data shows that, on aggregate, five-star funds outperform four-star funds, which outperform three-star funds, and so on, in periods after receiving said rating;
  • have received a Morningstar Medalist Rating of Gold, Silver or Bronze. This rating is our analysts’ assessment of an ETF’s ability to outperform peers on an after-fee basis in the future. The rating is arrived at by analyzing three core pillars: people (quality of the management team), parent (stewardship of the fund company) and process (robustness of investment decision-making). I note here that the process pillar is weighted less for passive (index) ETFs.

Only Canadian-domiciled ETFs were considered in this screen.

What we found

Top-rated growth and value ETFs

NameTickerMorningstar Style BoxActive/Passive/Strategic BetaMER (%)Morningstar CategoryMorningstar Rating OverallMorningstar Medalist RatingTotal Ret YTD (%)Total Ret 1 Yr (%)Total Ret Annlzd 3 Yr (%)Total Ret Annlzd 5 Yr (%)Total Ret Annlzd 10 Yr (%)Inception Date
NBI Sustainable Canadian Equity ETFNSCE-TLarge GrowthActive0.69Canadian Equity5 StarsBronze16.624.99.93/4/2020
BMO MSCI Europe Hi Qual Hdgd to CAD ETFZEQ-TLarge GrowthStrategic Beta0.45European Equity5 StarsBronze7.
TD Active Global Enhanced Dividend ETFTGED-TLarge GrowthActive0.72Global Equity5 StarsSilver23.428.810.814.75/3/2019
Fidelity Sustainable World ETFFCSW-NELarge GrowthActive0.61Global Equity5 StarsGold15.520.17.212.15/31/2019
BMO MSCI Global ESG Leaders ETFESGG-TLarge GrowthPassive0.28Global Equity5 StarsBronze16.121.58.81/15/2020
CI MSCI Wld ESG Ipt Idx ETF CommCESG-NELarge GrowthPassive0.39Global Equity5 StarsBronze6.112.78.59/12/2019
BMO MSCI All Country World High Qual ETFZGQ-TLarge GrowthStrategic Beta0.50Global Equity5 StarsSilver19.826.59.115.711/5/2014
TD Active U.S. Enhanced Dividend ETFTUED-TLarge GrowthActive0.73US Equity5 StarsBronze26.832.312.95/26/2020
BMO S&P 500 ETF (CAD)ZSP-TLarge GrowthPassive0.09US Equity5 StarsGold19.224.311.115.214.811/14/2012
Vanguard S&P 500 ETFVFV-TLarge GrowthPassive0.09US Equity5 StarsGold19.224.311.115.214.811/2/2012
Global X S&P 500 Corp Cl ETFHXS-TLarge GrowthPassive0.11US Equity5 StarsSilver19.
BMO MSCI USA High Quality ETFZUQ-TLarge GrowthStrategic Beta0.33US Equity5 StarsSilver22.828.812.217.311/5/2014
Dynamic Active Canadian Dividend ETFDXC-TLarge ValueActive0.72Canadian Dividend & Income Equity5 StarsGold9.415.07.911.01/20/2017
iShares Core MSCI Canadian Qual Div ETFXDIV-TLarge ValueStrategic Beta0.11Canadian Dividend & Income Equity5 StarsGold16.122.411.811.16/7/2017
Desjardins RI Em Mkts MF NetZremissionsDRFE-TLarge ValueStrategic Beta0.75Emerging Markets Equity5 StarsGold13.316.74.47.13/7/2019
CI Emerging Markets Div ETFEMV-B-TLarge ValueStrategic Beta0.41Emerging Markets Equity5 StarsBronze10.816.83.86.69/19/2017
Hamilton Australian Bank Eql-Wgt ETFHBA-TLarge ValuePassive0.70Financial Services Equity5 StarsBronze31.643.114.56/26/2020
Mackenzie Global Infrastructure ETFQINF-TLarge ValuePassive0.46Global Infrastructure Equity5 StarsSilver21.624.310.39/30/2020
Fidelity International Value ETFFCIV-TLarge ValueStrategic Beta0.51International Equity5 StarsSilver3.59.48.06/5/2020
RBC Quant EAFE Div Ldrs(CAD Hedged) ETFRIDH-TLarge ValueStrategic Beta0.55International Equity5 StarsSilver10.
CI US Qual Div Gr ETF Non-HdgDGR-B-TLarge ValueStrategic Beta0.38US Dividend & Income Equity5 StarsBronze18.022.513.814.87/12/2016
Fidelity US Value ETFFCUV-TLarge ValueStrategic Beta0.39US Equity5 StarsSilver17.021.816.56/5/2020
iShares Global Infrastructure ETF CommCIF-TMid ValuePassive0.72Global Infrastructure Equity5 StarsGold18.223.414.513.28.58/27/2008

Source: Morningstar Direct | Data as of Sept 10, 2024

The ETFs that qualified are listed in the accompanying table, alongside their trailing performance, MERs, inception dates, ratings and style tilts according to our style-box methodology. I’ve also denoted whether each fund is actively/passively managed, or if it’s a strategic beta (also known as “smart beta”) fund. Strategic beta funds are rules-based investment vehicles that systematically tilt toward a certain style of investment. This is important to note in today’s screen to help understand whether the exposure to value or growth is purposeful (in the case of active managers) or coincidental (in the case of passive strategies). The list is sorted first by style tilt, then on category (an important delineator given ratings for each fund are relative to category peers) then by three-year annualized returns.

This article does not constitute financial advice, it is always recommended to conduct one’s own independent research before buying or selling any of the funds or ETFs mentioned in this article.

Ian Tam, CFA, is director of investment research for Morningstar Canada.

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Tickers mentioned in this story

Study and track financial data on any traded entity: click to open the full quote page. Data updated as of 19/09/24 0:17pm EDT.

SymbolName% changeLast
NBI Sustainable Canadian Equity ETF
TD Active Global Enhanced Dividend ETF
Fidelity Sustainable World ETF
BMO MSCI Global ESG Leaders Index ETF
CI MSCI World ESG Impact ETF
BMO MSCI All Cntry Wrld High Qlty ETF
TD Active US Enhanced Dividend ETF
BMO S&P 500 Index ETF
Vanguard S&P 500 Index ETF
GX S&P 500 Index Corporate Class ETF
BMO MSCI USA High Quality Index ETF
Dyn Ishares Active CDN Div ETF
Ishares Core MSCI CAD Qlty Div ETF
Desjardins Emerging Mkts Low Co2 ETF
CI Wisdomtree Emerging Mkts Div Idx ETF
Hamilton Australian Banks Equal-Weight ETF
Mackenzie Global Infrastructure Indx ETF
Fidelity International Value Index ETF
RBC Quant EAFE Div Leaders ETF
CI Wisdomtree US Qty Div Gwth Idx ETF NH
Fidelity US Value Index ETF
Ishares Global Infrastructure Index ETF

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