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BofA Securities investment strategist Michael Hartnett attempted to provide all of the advice investors will need for the next decade in a single sentence in his weekly Flow Show report. To wit, “historic losses in government bonds reflect new secular reality but long-run returns from cash, commodities, small cap, value stocks only just beginning to rise, while U.S. stocks and tech stocks just starting long-term underperformance.”

The strategist’s usual bullet point writing style gives us a lot to process in a few words. The first portion of the sentence, indicating that the 30-year bull market in fixed income is over, likely signals the biggest change to the investing backdrop. For one, a sustained rise in borrowing costs (domestic bond yields historically follow U.S. yields closely) makes it highly unlikely that Canada’s favourite asset class – real estate – will be as lucrative, or even profitable at all, in the coming years.

Mr. Hartnett’s next claim that cash is beginning a period of strong relative performance is disquieting. Cash returns are always low, and outperformance by cash means mediocre-to-bad performance for the primary asset classes of equities and bonds. It also implies there won’t be many places for investors to hide from losses.

The prediction that commodities will outperform is far more welcome for domestic investors. The marked outperformance from the energy sector so far in 2022 – the S&P/TSX Energy Index has climbed 36.4 per cent compared with the S&P/TSX Composite’s loss of 6.3 per cent – suggests this process may have already begun, even if industrial metals prices remain well off their peaks.

It would take a brave investor to buy small cap stocks amid current high levels of market volatility but Mr. Hartnett believes they are set to outperform as larger cap stocks fall back.

The final three forecasts – value stocks to outperform while U.S. stocks and technology stocks underperform – are all related. What it boils down to is that technology stocks, which dominate the S&P 500 and the growth stock universe thanks to their enormity, are set for a long period of underperformance reminiscent of the early 2000s and the early 1960s. (I posted the relevant BofA chart on social media here).

Buying technology stocks on dips might be a difficult habit to break. Analysis of BofA client buying during the week before last indicated that technology stocks drew the most investor interest of all 11 major sectors.

The move from falling to rising rates, growth to value and the end of U.S. outperforming the rest of the world’s markets will leave few investment trends from the past decade intact. Investors will have time to absorb the new leadership but will have to keep an open mind to unfamiliar trends.

-- Scott Barlow, Globe and Mail market strategist

This is the Globe Investor newsletter, published three times each week. If someone has forwarded this e-mail newsletter to you or you’re reading this on the web, you can sign up for the newsletter and others on our newsletter signup page.

Stocks to ponder

Cameco Corp. (CCO-T) The Contra Guys bought shares in the Canadian uranium miner in 2019 as a contrarian bet - and it turned out very well for them. But now, they’ve just sold their remaining shares. The first reason was valuation. When the final shares were sold last month, the stock was trading at its highest level since 2011, the price-to-sales ratio was at its uppermost point since 2010, and the price-to-book ratio had not been as elevated since before the financial crisis. Not only was Cameco expensive versus where it had traded historically, it was lofty versus peers and the market. There were other reasons as well, as Contra writer Philip MacKellar explains.

The Rundown

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Metal markets brace for a downturn of a different kind

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Sustainable investing loses some shine but proponents say still good long-term bet

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What’s up in the days ahead

Are central banks really pivoting? And, if so, does that change the lackluster outlook for the stock market? Ian McGugan will share some thoughts.

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