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stars and dogs

Goodfellow Inc. (Dog)

I’m funny? How, like a clown? Do I amuse you? Am I like a clown to you? What do you mean, Stars and Dogs is funny? Tell me. Tell me what’s funny! You may not have heard of Goodfellow, a Quebec lumber company that’s traded more thinly than cheap flooring, but its second-quarter results this week prompted the shares to drop. And gave us a chance to work in a Joe Pesci joke, which is never a bad thing. We’re here to amuse you.

GDL-T, $7.25, down $1.20 or 14.2% over week.

Tesla Inc. (Dog)

Elon Musk, the Donald Trump of CEOs, spent the week attacking a reporter on Twitter and continuing to insist the company could meet its much-hyped production goals of 5,000 Model 3 sedans a week. Investors focused on the company’s disappointing delivery orders instead. We’re sure something will send this highly volatile stock back on the stars list sometime soon, but this week it earned its place in the doghouse.

TSLA-Q, US$308.90, down US$41.03 or 11.73% over week.

Northland Power Inc. (Star)

How can green-power energy company Northland Power be hitting new 52-week highs when the new Ontario government just put the cork in cap-and-trade? True, the company has some European operations to help it diversify in case Premier Doug Ford makes things less favourable in its home province. Then again, maybe its wind farms will capture some extra hot air from Queen’s Park.

NPI-T, $25.17, up $0.72 or 2.94% over week.

Barnes & Noble Inc. (Dog)

The biggest U.S. bookseller’s most recent report showed a 3.4-per-cent decline in book sales, but if every title offered a spellbinder similar to what the company provided this week, things might be different. The company cashiered its CEO, its fifth leader since 2010, for an unspecified violation of company policies. Barnes & Noble said there’s no fraud or financial reporting issue, but this mystery tale sent the shares swooning.

BKS-N, US$5.25, down US$1.04 or 16.52% over week.

Rocky Mountain Dealerships (Star)

The tractor dealer gave its outlook in May, saying it would invest where returns are greatest. And the best returns are found in Outlook, Sask., apparently. The company said this week it would buy John Bob Farm Equipment, a New Holland dealer that operates in Outlook and Tisdale. With John Bob in the bag, look for John-Boy and Jim-Bob as the next two of several possible acquisitions.

RME-T, $11.72, up $0.87 or 8.02% over week.

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Study and track financial data on any traded entity: click to open the full quote page. Data updated as of 20/09/24 3:59pm EDT.

SymbolName% changeLast
Goodfellow Inc
Tesla Inc
Northland Power Inc

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