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Kristine Beese gets the frustration women experience when trying to find someone to help them to understand money better.

The founder and chief executive officer of Untangle Money in Toronto says her new Untangle MINI program targets women who don’t need a full-fledged financial plan, but rather need a few pointers to get established in the right direction.

Ms. Beese notes that most advisors only work with high-net-worth individuals and have an account minimum of at least $250,000 to $500,000, so women who don’t fall in that category don’t have many options.

Globe Advisor spoke with Ms. Beese recently to get her thoughts on her program and what it can be like for women dealing with a traditional advisor.

What has been your personal experience dealing with advisors in the past?

Women have different needs than men when it comes to how and why we spend our money. When I worked as a waitress, I once went to an investment advisor. He saw my manicure and said, “You don’t need to spend money to get your nails done.” But I served people food with my hands and my contract stated that I had to maintain a certain level of appearance. That was a priority for me. This is one of many examples of the misalignment and lack of understanding that women may have different priorities for their money.

Describe how the Untangle MINI program will work.

I created Untangle MINI to focus on regular middle-income Canadian women. The aim was to provide something that didn’t cost $2,500, which is the average cost of a fee-for-service financial plan. Untangle MINI is $499 (a one-time price) and the women have access to one hour of live one-on-one personalized financial coaching, access to our web algorithm, and an actionable approach to thinking about their money. It’s strictly focused on learning about money. We don’t sell insurance or investment products, so our guidance is unbiased.

How does the program differ from other financial coaching programs in the marketplace?

Traditional questions posed by advisors don’t adapt to how women typically think about money. The first question is usually, “What is your financial goal?” but I’ve found that most women don’t think about money in terms of goals. They instead want to know what they can afford, and if they will be okay in the future. We focus on two actionable numbers – how much you can afford to spend for every hour that you work, and how much you need to invest monthly at a certain rate of return to be on track for the retirement you select. We really concentrate on how much you have to work with because the average person just doesn’t have the money to do it all as much wealthier Canadians do.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

- Deanne Gage, Globe Advisor reporter

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The cost of keeping your independence in retirement could be $3,500 a month

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– Globe Advisor Staff

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