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The Globe and Mail collected data about 439 cities across the country, spanning a variety of categories including economy, housing, health care, education and climate

When people are considering relocating to a new city, there are many factors worth considering. It’s a highly personal decision, but a ranking with the livability of a city at the centre can help provide some guidance.

Our evaluation involved an analysis of 43 variables, which span 10 categories that we’ve identified as particularly crucial when an individual contemplates relocating to a new area. These categories are Economy, Housing, Demographics, Health Care, Safety, Education, Community, Amenities, Transportation and Climate.

Explore our complete list of 439 cities across the country, featuring rankings in each of our 10 categories to illustrate how each city performed against the rest.

You can read our category definitions below and find more information about the variables we used in our methodology.

Economy assesses a city’s financial health by examining its job market, income levels and tax, and overall economic stability.

Housing evaluates the affordability of housing and the accessibility of housing options for seniors.

Demographics focuses on a city’s stability and sustainability in population growth, diversity and cultural richness.

Health Care evaluates the accessibility and quality of health care services, and residents’ general perception of their health status.

Safety examines the likelihood of crimes and residents’ overall confidence in public safety.

Education assesses the educational qualifications of the community as well as the availability of schools, universities and other educational institutions in the area.

Community prioritizes social engagement venues, community events, volunteer opportunities, and the sense of belonging and connectivity within the city.

Amenities catalogues recreational facilities, entertainment options, shopping centres, parks and other leisure opportunities available to residents in the community.

Transportation examines the public transportation system, accessibility and overall ease of getting around the city.

Climate catalogues extreme climate, weather patterns and overall seasonal conditions from the past.

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