Spotted is Globe Drive writer Peter Cheney's weekly feature that takes you behind the scenes of his life as a vehicle and engineering journalist. We also highlight the best of your original photos and short video clips (10 seconds or less), which you should send with a short explanation. E-mail, find him on Twitter @cheneydrive (#spotted), or join him on Facebook (no login required).
“Minivan available: Comes with free dog, kids and husband…”
Reader John Bullock spotted this decaled minivan at an outlet mall in New York last summer. What happened to this guy’s wife is anyone’s guess, but it appears he’s on the market.
Fifty shades of redneck
I’ve always been fascinated by what’s known as the “redneck repair,” where you fix a car with the cheapest, most low-tech products available. Reader Kelly Walsh spotted this masterpiece in Fergus, Ontario. The chains and metal plates add an S&M flavour – Fifty Shades of Grey, anyone?
Dr. Frankenstein’s body shop
Here’s a close-up of that front-end repair. Nice work if you can get it.
Kermit’s Psychedelic GTR
The Nissan GTR, also known as Godzilla, is one of the most potent cars to come out of Japan. Most owners opt for white or black. Then there’s this guy, with his one-off geometric wrap. My friend Woody spotted it in Toronto.
An easy one on Bumper Stumpers
One reader loves his new Tesla Model S. And what better custom plate could there be for the world’s finest electric car?
So you think you have parking problems?
Not long ago, I wrote a column about how tough it was to operate a Ford F-150 in a big city. But my F-150 only had four doors. This F-250 has six. Rob Russell spotted it in Newmarket. It looks like a great work truck, but as Rob observes: “Just imagine parallel parking that sucker.”
Do-it-yourself isn’t dead
My gliding buddy Eric Donaldson spent more than a year restoring this 45-year-old VW Beetle. He cut out the rusted floors, welded in new steel panels, and finished it all off with a two-tone paint job. It’s nice to see guys who are still willing to fix cars themselves.
What’s old is new again
As Eric learned, you can still buy almost every part for a VW Beetle, from piston rings to fenders to interior panels. The Beetle is a cult car, and there are countless businesses dedicated to making replacement parts.
Florida with wheels
I love the cars that Detroit built in the 1950’s. Their design speaks to an age of optimism. I spotted this one on Interstate 75. Note the two-tone, white and coral paint, whitewall tires and rear fender skirts. If you turned the state of Florida into a car, this is how it would look.
Elvis loses his tailfins
As you probably know, Elvis Presley’s favoured rides were classic Cadillacs. This Elvis tribute artist makes do with a Subaru. I spotted it near Waterdown, Ontario
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