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Break out the bubbly because Secret Canada has been nominated for Project of the Year at the National Newspaper Awards. The judges recognized both our old-school Globe investigation, which exposed all the ways in which public institutions routinely break freedom of information laws, as well as the creation of, our database of 300,000-plus FOI summaries, how-to guides and request templates. (In case anyone is counting – okay, we’re counting – people have used our templates/piggyback function nearly 20,000 times so far.)

This was a labour of love for the Secret Canada team and while no one gets into this business for awards, the acknowledgement is wonderful. We’re honoured to be highlighted alongside two other incredible projects: a La Presse investigation of the affordable housing crisis in Quebec and a probe from The Telegram, which looked into the horrific living conditions at Her Majesty’s Penitentiary in St. John’s.

If you’re interested in revisiting the investigative side of our Secret Canada project, here are some of our most impactful pieces that ran in The Globe and Mail.

What to read

How Canada’s FOI system broke under its own weight Ontario doctor’s fight for his employment records reveals flaws in Canada’s FOI systemCanada’s immigration system is overwhelmed with information requests. Ottawa was warned – but did nothingRedacted and out of reach: Canada’s access laws keep the country’s history locked awayEditorial: Feeble FOI laws need teeth and consequencesA look at the lapses and delays for FOI requests from ministries across CanadaAlberta rejects requests for data on freedom of information system a second timeAlberta’s information watchdog opens systemic probe into ministries’ handling of access requestsEditorial: How Alberta is turning freedom of information into a Why Do You Need To Know Act Saskatchewan information watchdog’s lack of power lets institutions skirt access law Nova Scotia’s freedom of information system understaffed, lacks power, watchdog saysHow a political scandal in Newfoundland gave rise to the country’s most transparent FOI systemNew Brunswick’s access regime among the most restrictive in Canada, Globe audit findsHow can Canada fix its FOI systems? Norway, Mexico and others may offer solutionsWhen public officials withhold or destroy records in Canada, they rarely face consequences 

What to listen to 

The Decibel: The information laws governments keep breakingThe Decibel: The ‘black hole’ of Canada’s immigration systemThe Decibel: Canada’s broken information laws keep history in the dark

And don’t forget the memes 

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