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Vancouver police are investigating nearly 30 files since Jan. 1, but believe there are more victims who haven’t come forward.DARRYL DYCK/The Canadian Press

Police in Vancouver are warning about three scams that are targeting the Chinese community after victims reported losing nearly $6 million this year.

They are investigating 26 files since Jan. 1, but investigators believe there are more victims who haven’t come forward.

Police say the first fraud involves the victim getting a call from someone impersonating a Chinese police officer who tricks them into sending money to Hong Kong banks, saying they are in trouble because their phone and identity have been used to commit crimes.

The second scam happens when the victim is approached by a group of strangers, who tells them bad luck or ill health will happen to them or their loved ones unless they give them cash or jewelry.

The third cheat involves job advertisement posters written in Chinese that offer up to $300 per day to make artwork, but when the victim calls for more details, they are tricked into romance or investment scams.

Police say they are working to identify suspects, and are asking anyone who believes they may have been victimized by the scams to come forward.

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