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The pandemic had an undeniable impact on the lives of every person on the planet. It forced a change in how we lived: milestones were marked without loved ones, isolation separated friends and family, and future planning became unfathomable when so much was uncertain.

But the past three years also offered people the opportunity to rethink their values and priorities, break old habits and start new ones. Embracing change feels like a worthy antidote to years of tragedy, sadness and grief. It’s no coincidence our social media feeds now feel like a constant stream of engagements, moving trucks and newly adopted pets.

The Globe wants to hear from readers about how the pandemic has shifted your priorities and what you’ve learned about yourself.

Did you vow to never work another 80-hour week? Did you learn to embrace nature and being outdoors? Did you gain a new appreciation for your child’s teachers? We want to hear how the big and small adjustments you made during the pandemic changed how you live your life.

Share your story by filling out the Google Form below or by emailing with “Pandemic reflections” in the subject line.

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