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Halifax RCMP have charged a 76-year-old man with murder after he called police to report that he had killed a 74-year-old woman inside his residence.

In a statement today, police say that around 4:15 p.m. Sunday Edmund Joseph Organ reported that he had killed a woman in his home in Cole Harbour, N.S.

Officers from Halifax Regional Police and the RCMP surrounded the home on Agincourt Crescent and, after several attempts to get Organ to exit, arrested him and found the deceased woman inside.

RCMP Const. Mitch Thompson declined to say whether the 74-year-old woman, whose name has not been released, lived with Organ or how she knew him.

As well, Thompson declined to comment on how or when investigators believe she was killed.

Organ is in custody and scheduled to appear in Dartmouth provincial court today.

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