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Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press

Nova Scotia RCMP announced today that they have charged a teacher from Tatamagouche Regional Academy with sexual offences.

Police say in a news release that they were contacted by the school Tuesday and began an investigation, which found that the teacher allegedly sexually assaulted a student on multiple occasions between May and June.

RCMP say 36-year-old Nicole MacLeod was arrested and charged with sexual assault, sexual interference, sexual exploitation, luring a child, invitation to sexual touching, and making sexually explicit material available to a child.

They say MacLeod, who is listed on the school’s website as a high school teacher, has been on leave since June 18 as the school investigated a report of inappropriate contact with a student by a teacher.

RCMP are encouraging other alleged victims to come forward by contacting their local police or RCMP detachment.

MacLeod, of Murray Siding, N.S., is set to appear in Truro provincial court on Sept. 4.

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