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Here are the top reads on deals and financial services over the last 24 hours

First quarter sees $14-billion raised in bond markets: That’s nearly double the $7.9-billion of debt issued by corporations in the fourth quarter of last year, when trade uncertainty roiled markets and left many corporations sitting on the sidelines. Story (Alexandra Posadzki, for subscribers)

Tricon jumps into U.S. apartment market with $1.4-billion deal: Residential real estate investment firm Tricon Capital Group Inc. is jumping into the U.S. apartment market with the US$1.4-billion purchase of 23 apartment rental properties, saying the portfolio will become a platform to launch further growth in the multi-family rental space. Story (Janet McFarland, for subscribers)

RBC CEO: The energy-hungry world isn’t waiting for Canada: History has placed Canada at a crossroads. No other country of 37 million people has access to more natural resources – and the brainpower to convert those resources into sustainable growth for a stronger society. And yet, Canada is at risk of taking the wrong turn at the crossroads because some believe there are only two paths: one for economic growth, and the other for environment. Opinion (Dave McKay)


Beverage company Constellation selling several wine and spirits brands to E. & J. Gallo for US$1.7-billion: Constellation Brands Inc. said on Wednesday it would sell about 30 of its low-end wine and spirits brands to E. & J. Gallo Winery for US$1.7-billion, as the Corona beer maker focuses on more profitable brands. Story (for subscribers)

Proposed changes to Emera’s ownership rules would allow greater foreign investment: The Nova Scotia government proposed legislative changes Wednesday that would lift foreign ownership restrictions for Nova Scotia Power’s parent company, Halifax-based Emera Inc. Story (for subscribers)

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