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GFL trucks at a transfer station, in Toronto, on Aug. 18, 2020.Melissa Tait/The Globe and Mail

Waste management company GFL Environmental Inc. has announced a pair of acquisitions in the United States.

Financial terms of the deals were not immediately available.

The Ontario-based company says it has bought the solid waste management and recycling business of Peoria Disposal Co. which operates in Central Illinois and Eastern Missouri.

Its operations include three active landfills, two transfer stations, one material recovery facility and a wastewater treatment plant. The deal also includes a Peoria City/County landfill, which is expected to begin operations in early 2024.

In the second deal, GFL says it has bought the Alabama Dumpster group of companies, which provides solid waste and recycling services and landfill operations.

GFL also says it has sold some of its non-core solid waste assets in and around the Chicago market and Rochester, Minn., for aggregate proceeds of $92.0-million.

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