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Victoria Gold Corp. has halted operations at its Eagle gold mine in central Yukon after a landslide reportedly hit the site on Monday.

Whitehorse-based Victoria Gold said in a statement on Monday evening that its heap leach pad processing facility had failed, and that it had suspended production. The company said that nobody was hurt, but it did not say what caused the incident.

Yukon News posted a picture of an apparent landslide in the vicinity of the site.

The company did not respond to an inquiry seeking clarification about the slide.

John Thompson, a spokesperson with Yukon’s Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, said in an e-mail to The Globe and Mail that natural resources staff will be investigating the incident.

He would not confirm that a landslide had occurred.

The Eagle mine is located roughly 375 kilometres north of Whitehorse, and 85 kilometres north of the village of Mayo, Yukon.

The site employs around 500 people.

Trading in Victoria Gold Corp.’s shares was halted Monday afternoon on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

Eagle started production in 2019. It produced just under 30,000 ounces of gold in the first quarter. Victoria Gold has a market value of just under $500-million.

Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd. owns a royalty on the mine.

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