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Keyera Corp. and Canadian National Railway Co. have signed a deal to evaluate building a rail terminal in Alberta to ship energy products. CN rail trains are shown at the CN MacMillan Yard in Vaughan, Ont., on June 20.Nathan Denette/The Canadian Press

Keyera Corp. KEY-T and Canadian National Railway Co. CNR-T have signed a deal to evaluate building a rail terminal in Alberta to ship energy products.

The companies say they have signed a memorandum of understanding to look at the construction of a project in Alberta’s industrial heartland.

They say the new infrastructure would aggregate conventional and clean energy from multiple sources.

Keyera CEO Dean Setoguchi says the agreement builds on the strengths of each partner.

The plan calls for a facility built on adjoining lands belonging to Keyera and CN.

It envisions a facility capable of handling six inbound and outbound high-capacity trains daily, once complete.

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