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Big Brother Canada host Arisa Cox arrives on the red carpet at the 2017 Canadian Screen Awards in Toronto on Sunday, March 12, 2017.Chris Young/The Canadian Press

After 12 seasons, “Big Brother Canada” has received its eviction notice.

Corus Entertainment says it is cancelling the Global TV reality competition series.

The broadcaster says in a statement it considered many factors in the decision, including “audience trends, available support from sponsors and advertisers, and production and licensing costs.”

“Big Brother Canada,” one of several international spinoffs of the original Dutch show, features contestants living together, cut off from the outside world.

They compete weekly for a cash prize. The show was hosted by Arisa Cox, who has also served as an executive producer since Season 9.

“Big Brother Canada” was produced by Insight Productions in association with Corus and Banijay Rights. Corus said there are no layoffs at the broadcaster related to the cancellation.

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